HOLISMOKES Data Products

Paper II

We provide in paper II a catalog of potential gravitational lenses identified in PS1 data with the help of a CNN and visual inspection. The complete Table 1 can be downloaded from the VizieR database or directly here:

Paper VI

We provide in paper VI a catalog of potential gravitational lenses identified in HSC data with the help of a residual neural network and visual inspection. The complete Table 1 can be downloaded directly here:

Paper VII

We have publicly released the microlensed spectra and light curves used in HOLISMOKES VII. You can download directly here the README with detailed download instructions:

Paper IX

We have publicly released the code of the trained residual neural network to predict the SIE+shear parameters of galaxy-scale lenses observed with the Hyper Suprime Cam. You can download directly here the README with detailed instructions:

Paper XIII

We provide in paper XIII a catalog of potential gravitational lenses identified in HSC data with the help of a residual neural network and visual inspection. We further caracterize their environment. The complete Table 1 and Table 2 can be downloaded directly here: