This is a commented version of the lensutil module used in the H0_from_lenses notebook.

Vivien Bonvin, Simon Birrer, 01.2019

We start with a bunch of standard imports..

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import math
import emcee
import sys
import pickle

Next, we import the KDELikelihood implemented in `lenstronomy` in order to properly sample lenstronomy's 2D likelihood (Dd versus Ddt, more on that below).

We also import cosmological models from `astropy`. These will be used to compute cosmological angular diameter distances from cosmological parameters in various cosmologies.

In [2]:
from lenstronomy.Cosmo.kde_likelihood import KDELikelihood
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM, FlatwCDM, LambdaCDM

The output of the lens modeling are angular diameter distances; depending on the modeling code used, it is either the time-delay distance Ddt alone (using `GLEE`) or a joint time-delay distance Ddt versus observer-deflector angular diameter distance Dd (using `lenstronomy`).

In order to easily merge the output of these two softwares - and possibly combine with other softwares in the future - we create the classes GLEELens and LenstronomyLens that we initiate with the angular diameter distance4s posteriors predicted by the modeling codes and whose main goal is to evalute the likelihood of a chosen cosmological model with respect to the input posteriors of the lens.

  • GLEE's time-delay distance posteriors are well fitted by a skewed log-normal likelihood. The analytical fit parameters are thus the input parameters of a GLEELens object.

  • Lenstronomy's time-delay distance and observer-deflector angular diameter distance joint posteriors are fitted with a KDELikelihood. They are the input parameters of a LenstronomyLens object.

In [3]:
class StrongLensSystem(object):
	This is a parent class, common to all lens modeling code outputs.
	It stores the "physical" parameters of the lens (name, redshifts, ...)
	def __init__(self, name, zlens, zsource, longname=None): = name
		self.zlens = zlens
		self.zsource = zsource
		self.longname = longname

	def __str__(self):
		return "%s\n\tzl = %f\n\tzs = %f" % (, self.zlens, self.zsource)

class GLEELens(StrongLensSystem):
	This class takes the output of GLEE (Ddt distribution) from which it evaluates the likelihood of a Ddt (in Mpc) predicted in a given cosmology.

	The default likelihood follows a skewed log-normal distribution. No other likelihoods have been implemented so far.
	def __init__(self, name, zlens, zsource,
                 mu=None, sigma=None, lam=None, explim=100.,
		StrongLensSystem.__init__(self, name=name, zlens=zlens, zsource=zsource, longname=longname) = mu
		self.sigma = sigma
		self.lam = lam
		self.explim = explim
		self.loglikelihood_type = loglikelihood_type

	def sklogn_analytical_likelihood(self, ddt):
		Evaluates the likelihood of a time-delay distance ddt (in Mpc) against the model predictions, using a skewed log-normal distribution.
		# skewed lognormal distribution with boundaries
		if (ddt < self.lam) or (( + math.log(ddt - self.lam)) ** 2 / (2. * self.sigma ** 2) > self.explim):
			return -np.inf
			llh = math.exp(-(( + math.log(ddt - self.lam)) ** 2 / (2. * self.sigma ** 2))) / (math.sqrt(2 * math.pi) * (ddt - self.lam) * self.sigma)

			if np.isnan(llh):
				return -np.inf
				return np.log(llh)
	def init_loglikelihood(self):
		if self.loglikelihood_type == "sklogn_analytical":
			self.loglikelihood = self.sklogn_analytical_likelihood
			assert ValueError("unknown keyword: %s" % loglikelihood_type)
			# if you want to implement other likelihood estimators, do it here
class LenstronomyLens(StrongLensSystem):
	This class takes the output of Lenstronomy (Dd versus Ddt distributions) from which it evaluates the likelihood of a Dd versus Ddt (in Mpc) predicted in a given cosmology.

	The default likelihood follows the KDE log-normal distribution implemented in Lenstronomy. You can change the type of kernel used. No other likelihoods have been implemented so far.

	def __init__(self, name, zlens, zsource, ddt_vs_dd_samples, longname=None, loglikelihood_type="kde", kde_type="scipy_gaussian"):
		StrongLensSystem.__init__(self, name=name, zlens=zlens, zsource=zsource, longname=longname)

		self.ddt_vs_dd = ddt_vs_dd_samples     
		self.loglikelihood_type = loglikelihood_type
		self.kde_type = kde_type

	def kdelikelihood(self, kde_type, bandwidth=2):
		Evaluates the likelihood of a angular diameter distance to the deflector Dd (in Mpc) versus its time-delay distance Ddt (in Mpc) against the model predictions, using a loglikelihood sampled from a Kernel Density Estimator.
		self.ddt = self.ddt_vs_dd["ddt"]
		self.dd = self.ddt_vs_dd["dd"]
		KDEl = KDELikelihood(self.dd.values, self.ddt.values, kde_type=kde_type, bandwidth=bandwidth)
		return KDEl.logLikelihood

	def init_loglikelihood(self):
		if self.loglikelihood_type == "kde":
			self.loglikelihood = self.kdelikelihood(kde_type=self.kde_type)
			assert ValueError("unknown keyword: %s" % self.loglikelihood_type)
			# if you want to implement other likelihood estimators, do it here

The functions below evaluate the joint likelihood function of a set of cosmological parameters in a chosen cosmology against the modeled angular diameter distances of the lens systems.

The core of the process is the sample_params function, that works around the `emcee` MCMC sampler. Provided with uniform priors (log_prior), a list of lens objects and a suitable `astropy.cosmo` cosmology, it computes the angular diameter distances predicted by the cosmology (log_prob_ddt) and evaluate their log-likelihood against the angular diameter distances of the lens systems (log_like_add).

By sampling the cosmological parameters space, sample_params return chains of joint cosmological parameters that can be used to produce fancy posterior plots.

In [4]:
def log_prior(theta, cosmology):
	Return flat priors on the cosmological parameters - hardcoded boundaries.

	param theta: list of floats, folded cosmological parameters.
	param cosmology: string, keyword indicating the choice of cosmology to work with.
	if cosmology == "FLCDM":
		h0, om = theta
		if 0. <= h0 <= 150. and 0.05 <= om <= 0.5:
			return 0.0
			return -np.inf

	elif cosmology == "FwCDM":
		h0, om, w = theta
		if 0. <= h0 <= 150. and 0.05 <= om <= 0.5 and -2.5 <= w <= 0.5:
			return 0.0
			return -np.inf

	elif cosmology == "oLCDM":
		h0, om, ok = theta
		if 0. <= h0 <= 150. and 0.05 <= om <= 0.5 and -0.5 <= ok <= 0.5:
			# make sure that Omega_DE is not negative...
			if 1.0-om-ok <= 0:
				return -np.inf
				return 0.0
			return -np.inf

def log_like_add(lens, cosmo):
	Computes the relevant angular diameter distance(s) of a given lens in a given cosmology,
	and evaluate its/their joint likelihood against the same modeled distances of the lens.

	param lens: either a GLEELens or LenstronomyLens instance.
	param cosmo: an astropy cosmology object. 
	dd = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z=lens.zlens).value
	ds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z=lens.zsource).value
	dds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(z1=lens.zlens, z2=lens.zsource).value
	ddt = (1. + lens.zlens) * dd * ds / dds

	if isinstance(lens, GLEELens):
		return lens.loglikelihood(ddt)

	elif isinstance(lens, LenstronomyLens):
		return lens.loglikelihood(dd, ddt)

		sys.exit("I don't know what to do with %s, unknown instance" % lens)

def log_prob_ddt(theta, lenses, cosmology):
	Compute the likelihood of the given cosmological parameters against the
	modeled angular diameter distances of the lenses.

	param theta: list of loat, folded cosmological parameters.
	param lenses: list of lens objects (currently either GLEELens or LenstronomyLens).
	param cosmology: string, keyword indicating the choice of cosmology to work with.

	lp = log_prior(theta, cosmology)
	if not np.isfinite(lp):
		return -np.inf
		logprob = lp
		if cosmology == "FLCDM":
			h0, om = theta
			cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=h0, Om0=om)
		elif cosmology == "FwCDM":
			h0, om, w = theta
			cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=h0, Om0=om, w0=w)
		elif cosmology == "oLCDM":
			h0, om, ok = theta
			# assert we are not in a crazy cosmological situation that prevents computing the angular distance integral
			if np.any([ok*(1.0+lens.zsource)**2 + om*(1.0+lens.zsource)**3 + (1.0-om-ok) <= 0 for lens in lenses]):
				return -np.inf
				cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=h0, Om0=om, Ode0=1.0-om-ok)
			raise ValueError("I don't know the cosmology %s" % cosmology)
		for lens in lenses:
			logprob += log_like_add(lens=lens, cosmo=cosmo)
		return logprob

def sample_params(lenses, cosmology, nwalkers=32, nsamples=20000, save=True, filepath="temp.pkl"):
	High-level wrapper around the above functions. Explore the cosmological parameters space and
	return their likelihood evaluated against the modeled angular diameter distances
	of (multiple) lens system(s).

	param lenses: list of lens objects (currently either GLEELens or LenstronomyLens).
	param cosmology: string, keyword indicating the choice of cosmology to work with.
	param nwalkers: int, number of emcee walkers used to sample the parameters space.
	param nsamples: int, number of samples for an MCMC chain to converge. 
		Make sure these are larger than the autocorrelation time!
	param save: boolean, if True the combined, flattened chain is saved in filepath
	param filepath: string, path of where the output chain is saved.

	# Our starting point is a "decent" solution. You might want to check it does not impact the results, but unless you start from really crazy values, it shouldn't. We slightly randomize the starting point for each walker.
	if cosmology == "FLCDM":
		startpos = [72, 0.3]  # H0, Om
	elif cosmology == "FwCDM":
		startpos = [72, 0.3, -1]  # H0, Om, w
	elif cosmology == "oLCDM":
		startpos = [72, 0.3, 0.0]  # H0, Om, Ok
		raise ValueError("I don't know the cosmology %s" % cosmology)

	pos = startpos + 1e-4*np.random.randn(nwalkers, len(startpos))
	nwalkers, ndim = pos.shape

	sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, log_prob_ddt, args=([lenses, cosmology]))
	sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nsamples, progress=True)

	tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time()
	print("Autocorrelation time: ", tau)
	flat_samples = sampler.get_chain(discard=1000, thin=15, flat=True)

	if save:
		pkl_file = open(filepath, 'wb')
		pickle.dump(flat_samples, pkl_file, protocol=-1)

	return flat_samples

def readpickle(filepath):
	Small utility function to read pickle files written by the sample_params function above.

	param filepath: path of the pickle file to load.
	pkl_file = open(filepath, 'rb')
		obj = pickle.load(pkl_file, encoding='bytes')
		obj = pickle.load(pkl_file)
	return obj